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323 Springvale Rd, Forest Hill, Vic, 3131

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Children who have a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of Autism may have a different communication style from their peers. Social communication difficulties can arise when people with different communication styles misunderstand each other. For example, children with Autism may have a literal understanding of language and difficulty understanding non-verbal cues such as other people's facial expressions, which can lead to misunderstandings. Children with Autism may also have multiple diagnoses such as ADHD, intellectual disability or dyslexia which may impact the way they communicate. Your speech therapist can help you and your child get to know their communication style and learn about other's communication styles too to help you both communicate more freely, comfortably and smoothly. 

Children with Autism may have expressive or receptive language difficulties, for example problems with their understanding of language, knowledge and use of grammar, vocabulary or ability to tell a story (narrative language). Your speech therapist will be able to assess your child's language skills, help you learn strategies to support their understanding of what is said and implement a therapy program to target any gaps in their knowledge of grammar or vocabulary.

Some children with Autism may communicate without spoken language by using Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) Systems. Your speech therapist can talk to you and your family about how this may support your child's communication, and help you choose a system that will work for them.


There are a number of excellent sites that provide information to parents about Autism. Autism Victoria (AMAZE), and Raising Children Network, are great sources of information.

If you would like to know more about speech pathology services for your child who has either been diagnosed with Autism, or who may be showing some early signs of Autism, please contact us.

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